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Why are the booking dates incorrect?
Incorrect booking dates may result from timezone issues. Ensure the property's timezone is correctly set. You can manually adjust dates or watch a video guide for detailed instructions → this video.
I don't find certain bookings, what should I do?
If you're unable to find certain bookings, follow these steps:
Expand time range in the bookings section:
Ensure that the time range filters are appropriately set. Expand the range to include the period when the missing bookings occurred. This is crucial to locate bookings outside the current filter.
Search by Booking ID:
If you have specific Booking IDs or confirmation codes, use the search function to look up bookings based on these identifiers. Check both Property Management System (PMS) IDs and OTA confirmation codes.
Refresh Bookings:
If you suspect outdated data, go to the "Assets" section and refresh bookings for the specific asset. This is particularly useful if the missing bookings belong to a particular property.
Verify Time Zone Settings:
Incorrect time zone settings can affect the recognition of booking dates. Ensure that the time zone for the property is accurately configured. If needed, update the time zone setting to align with the property's location.
Check for Excluded Bookings:
Confirm that the missing bookings are not excluded from financial calculations. Some bookings may be excluded by default based on their status. Check the status and inclusion settings in Rules by status.
Refresh Bookings System-Wide:
In the "Integration" section under the settings menu, go to "Manage PMS integration" and click on “Show Actions” to find an option to refresh all bookings from the last 60 days system-wide. This is a comprehensive approach to ensure that all bookings are up-to-date.