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Common questions about booking financials
Corey Reid avatar
Written by Corey Reid
Updated over 5 months ago

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  1. What is a booking financial line or booking line?

    • A booking financial line, also known as a booking financial item, represents a financial entry associated with a booking. It includes details like category, amount, and description, sourced from your PMS.

  2. How can I edit bookings financials?

    • To edit booking financials, navigate to the specific booking and click "Show Finances." You can then edit the financial items associated with the booking.

  3. How should I use the accounting field?

    • The accounting field determines whether an amount goes to the owner, management, or is excluded. "To Owner" directs the amount to the owner, "To Management" to the management company, and "Exclude" excludes the amount.

  4. What are the different financials associated with each booking?

    • The different financials associated with each booking include accommodation fare, host fee, cleaning fee, and other categories sourced from your PMS.

  5. What is included in the “accommodation fare” category?

    • The "accommodation fare" category includes the gross amount for accommodation charges associated with a booking. It is the nightly rate times the number of nights.

  6. How can I bundle multiple booking lines together?

    • To bundle multiple booking lines together, you can use the formula tool in the "other formula" tabs in the Commission setup popup in bookings. Follow these steps:

      • Access the "Other Formula" section in the commission setup.

      • Create a new formula, name it as desired, and choose the categories you want to include in the sum, such as accommodation fare, host fee, cleaning fee and others.

      • Under type, select "other" or "Net payout" if you are trying to create the net payout amount of each booking.

      • Apply the formula to specific channels if needed or leave it empty for universal application.

      • Define the resulting category and accounting field.

      • The system will then automatically calculate the sum of the selected categories for each booking that match your criteria, creating a new line for the bundled amount.

      • To apply the rule on existing bookings, click "apply rule" then review the bookings for which the rule is being applied and finally click "Apply" to confirm.

  7. How can I calculate the net payout on each booking?

    • You have two options.

      • Option 1: On a specific booking by clicking on "Show Finances" and then checking the box "Include in net payout" for each amount that should go in the net payout. It will create (or edit) a new booking line under the "Payout" category.

      • Option 2: Use the formula tool to bundle together categories that make up the net amount. Make sure to use the type "Net payout" and then apply formula. You can find a step by step guide available under the question above related to bundling booking finances.

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